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Stavební chemie | Průmyslová chemie |
Silikonové tmely - jednosložkové lepící a těsnící pružné tmely LUKOPREN S, UNI a T | Silikonové odpěňovače a vazelíny LUKOSAN |
Silikonové kaučuky - dvousložkové formovací a zalévací pružné kaučuky LUKOPREN N | Silikonové oleje, emulze LUKOSIOL a laky LUKOSIL |
Silikonové fasádní pásky - pružné těsnící pásky LUKOTĚS... |
Stavební chemie | Průmyslová chemie |
Silikonové tmely - jednosložkové lepící a těsnící pružné tmely LUKOPREN S, UNI a T | Silikonové odpěňovače a vazelíny LUKOSAN |
Silikonové kaučuky - dvousložkové formovací a zalévací pružné kaučuky LUKOPREN N | Silikonové oleje, emulze LUKOSIOL a laky LUKOSIL |
Silikonové fasádní pásky - pružné těsnící pásky LUKOTĚS | Redukční činidlo SYNHYDRID pro hydrogenace |
Akrylátové tmely a omítkoviny - těsnící tmely AKROTMEL S a disperzní omítky LUKOFAS | Pomocné přípravky pro tmely |
Silikonové injektáže a hydrofobizace - vodoodpudivé přípravky LUKOFOB | Pomocné přípravky pro kaučuky |
Silicone hydrophobizing agent The liquid silicone agent for long-term surface water-repellent protection of mineral substrates. It reduces water absorption and contamination of the substrate, preserves vapour permeability and original appearance. Application only after dilution with water by painting, spraying and dipping on well absorbing, light... Silicone hydrophobizing agent The...
Silicone injection preparation The creamy preparation with a hydrophobic effect for chemical injection of a damp masonry. Creating of additional horizontal waterproof barrier against rising moisture by means of a non-pressurized filling horizontally drilled injection holes in the mortar joint. Packaging: 310 ml cartridge, 4,5 kg bucket Silicone injection preparation The...
Silicone hydrophobizing agent The professional solvent product for long-term surface water repellent protection of mineral substrates. It reduces water absorption and contamination of the substrate, preserves vapour permeability and original appearance. Application directly by painting or spraying especialy as deep hydrophobization for demanding... Silicone hydrophobizing agent The...
Two-component silicone rubber The medium viscous polymeric paste with a good fluidity vulcanizes to a harder silicone rubber after mixing with the catalyst at ordinary temperatures.Universal type for flexible molds and casts, dismountable seals, encapsulation of electronic parts. Packaging: carton (including catalyst); 5, 10 kg bucket Two-component silicone rubber...
Two-component silicone rubber The medium viscous polymeric paste with a good fluidity vulcanizes to a softer silicone rubber after mixing with the catalyst at ordinary temperatures.A more flexible and durable type for the production of demanding, shape fragmented moulds, for multiply repeated casting and a large number of casts. Packaging: carton... Two-component silicone rubber...
Neutral one-component fluid sealant PROFI silicone self-levelling sealant with excellent flowability, partial transparency and high electrical strength for sealing and bonding especially in electrotechnics. Quality protective encapsulating of electrical components against weather, humidity, mechanical damage. Packaging: cartridge 310 ml Neutral one-component fluid sealant...